DMT : what is it, where to buy, side effects & advice


DMT, also known as dimethyltryptamine, is a hallucinogenic drug that occurs naturally in plants and some animals, including humans. It can also be artificially synthesized. It is consumed for its psychedelic effects, which are similar to those of other drugs such as LSD and hallucinogenic mushrooms, causing hallucinations and a distorted vision of reality. Depending on the dosage, these effects can last up to two or three hours and although they can be pleasant, a “bad trip” can be a very traumatic experience. The concept of a “trip” refers to visual and auditory experiences that emerge from the subconscious mind, causing people to see and hear things that do not exist.

DMT can be smoked, injected, snorted, or taken orally and has a long history of use, particularly in South American cultures. Even today, it is still used in some places for religious and traditional purposes. This, along with the fact that it occurs naturally in plants, has led some consumers to believe that it is safe, when this is not necessarily the case. Recreational use of DMT is generally very rare compared to most other drugs. Although it is not considered chemically addictive, repeated use can lead to the development of tolerance to the drug, leading to increased doses.

DMT is one of the most restricted drugs. It is completely illegal in many countries and its use is supposed to be limited to medical use and scientific research. It is classified internationally as a Schedule I drug, the highest possible classification. Most people are unaware of DMT’s existence and little is generally known about it outside the scientific and medical communities, which is why it is produced in small quantities and not widely trafficked.

Its effects vary from person to person and the psychedelic effects experienced will be largely subconscious based. This is why DMT can be particularly dangerous for people with a history of mental health problems. There have been cases where users experiencing a bad trip have gone into a state of panic and harmed themselves.


DMT is the abbreviation for dimethyltryptamine. Surprisingly, it has few street names. This is most likely due to its rarity and the fact that many potential addicts do not even know it exists. It is not nearly as well known as other psychedelic substances such as LSD and hallucinogenic mushrooms and is very difficult to obtain or produce.

In the U.K., it is colloquially known as “Dmitri,” although most terms for DMT refer to the effects experienced during use rather than the drug itself. DMT produces a relatively short trip compared to other hallucinogenic drugs, sometimes referred to as a “businessman’s trip,” in reference to the length of the trip, which is said to be about the same as a business lunch.


The effects of DMT vary from person to person. As a psychedelic drug, experiences arise from the addict’s subconscious, so there is a good chance that what they see during their trip is a unique experience. This is why much of what is known about DMT trips is anecdotal.

Users experience visual and auditory hallucinations, which may be accompanied by a feeling of euphoria. This can alter their perception of time, which seems to speed up or slow down. It can also alter their perception of colors and sounds. DMT can also slightly increase blood pressure and heart rate, with dilation of the pupils. It is impossible to visually determine the strength of a dose of DMT until it is taken.

DMT can be very dangerous for people with a history of mental health problems or for those who go into a trip feeling anxious or nervous. It can also trigger previously undetected or latent mental health issues. These feelings of anxiety and worry can be greatly amplified during a trip, causing what may well be a truly terrifying and horrific experience, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. DMT users have been known to harm themselves and others during a bad trip, and there is a risk of suicide. Once a trip has started, there is no way to stop it until the effects wear off.

There are few known side effects of DMT, although some people have had flashbacks of the trip even after the effects of the drug have worn off. If you have a bad trip, this can be very unpleasant.


DMT is a very rare drug, whose distribution is strictly controlled by governments. As a rule, only scientists and doctors have access to it for medical or research purposes and even then it is extraordinarily difficult to obtain. It is therefore not produced in large quantities anywhere in the world and rarely ends up in the hands of dealers. There is very little evidence that large quantities are trafficked across borders or continents.

It has traditionally been used for cultural purposes by some indigenous tribes in South America. It has also been used for religious purposes by some churches, although these cases have invariably been subject to lengthy legal battles and severe restrictions on its use.

On the rare occasions when DMT ends up on the street, it is sold in small quantities in packages resembling white crystalline powder or in solids. It is then often sold in impure forms, which may be yellow, orange or pink in color.

DMT is, however, present in many common plants and can be extracted for recreational use. Instructions on how to do this and the equipment required are easily found on the Internet, which raises some concerns about the impact DMT could have in the future if its existence becomes more widely known. With the advent of the Internet, the popularity of LMD is gradually increasing in developed countries. Some aspects of the production process involve the use of hazardous and volatile chemicals, which further increases the risks.

The production, distribution, possession and consumption of DMT are of course completely illegal, but this has not stopped some amateur chemists from trying to extract and sell the drug. However, these operations are invariably on a very small scale and are usually associated with the production of other drugs. DMT production should only be attempted by people with knowledge of the chemical processes involved and access to the proper equipment.



  • DMT is one of the most powerful hallucinogenic drugs, although it is relatively unknown and hard to find, especially compared to other drugs with similar effects such as LSD and hallucinogenic mushrooms.
  • It was first synthesized by a Canadian chemist in 1931.
  • Although its use among indigenous South American tribes goes back several generations, its natural presence in plants was only discovered in 1946 by a Brazilian chemist.
  • It produces powerful trips, involving hallucinations and a distorted view of reality.
  • The effects of DMT appear after a few seconds and a trip usually lasts up to an hour.
  • It is one of the most restricted drugs, with its scientific and medical use being highly regulated. It is sometimes used for religious purposes, but special permission from the relevant authorities is usually required.
  • DMT is found in many common plants.
  • It is also present in the brains of mammals, including humans. DMT is believed to be active during REM sleep and when a person is near death. One controversial theory is that situations where a person is close to death and sees their life “flash before their eyes” could be attributed to DMT levels in the brain. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this.
  • Although hallucinations experienced on DMT can be pleasant, they can also be very traumatic.
  • They can also trigger previously latent mental illnesses in susceptible individuals and exacerbate existing conditions.
  • The hallucinogenic effects of DMT rarely last longer than an hour, earning it the familiar nickname of “businessman’s trip.
  • Its chemical structure is very similar to that of LSD, although its effects are considered more potent.
  • DMT use is said to have very few side effects.


  • A packet of DMT sold on the street typically weighs between one-eighth and one-half gram, with prices starting at £25 (about $40) in the UK.
  • As a Schedule I drug in the U.S., trafficking DMT can easily result in a life sentence, even if it is a non-violent first offense.
  • In the United Kingdom, possession of DMT carries a maximum penalty of 7 years in prison and an unlimited fine. It is also illegal to allow others to use DMT in your home or premises.
  • DMT crystals have a melting point of 44.6 – 44.8 degrees Celsius and a boiling point of 60-80 degrees Celsius.
  • When smoked, a dose of 60 mg of DMT should be enough to feel its effects. When ingested orally, a higher dosage is required.
  • A DMT trip begins to take effect after a few seconds and lasts about an hour, depending on the dosage.
  • Within 1 to 2.5 minutes of taking the drug, users have reported feeling a sense of transcendence and euphoria, sometimes described as an “opening to other dimensions.”
  • When DMT is taken with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MIO), its effects can last up to 3 hours. However, MIOs are known to be dangerous, especially when combined with other substances.
  • DMT has been found in more than 50 different plant species, belonging to 10 different families.
  • It has also been found in 4 different animal species, including humans.


DMT does not cause chemical dependence. However, repeated use can lead to psychological dependence, as the effects of the drug are so pleasurable that the user feels as if he or she cannot live without it. A DMT user in the middle of a trip is relatively easy to identify, as he or she sees and hears things that do not exist. Irrational behavior and inappropriate emotions can indicate that a person is under the influence of DMT. Other symptoms of DMT include dilated pupils, as well as increased blood pressure and a rapid heart rate.

A bad trip can be particularly traumatic and the person will be visibly distraught and unable to explain why. For users with a history of or a predisposition to mental illness, as well as for those who start a trip with anxiety, a DMT trip can be very destructive, both when the effects of the drug kick in and in the form of flashbacks to the trip that return for a long time afterwards. Users in this state are at risk of harming themselves and others.

DMT is not particularly considered a social drug, and spending more and more time alone and no longer interacting with others can be a sign of DMT use. The presence of chemical equipment and hazardous chemicals may be evidence that a person is producing DMT, either for their own use or for resale.


DMT is said to carry little risk of dependence and the few cases that do occur will most likely be due to a psychological, not physiological, need. Fighting a DMT addiction is therefore essentially a matter of willpower and since it is not thought to be chemically addictive, it should in theory simply be a matter of getting rid of the habit. However, as with any psychological or physiological addiction, this may be easier said than done.

It should be noted that DMT is quite illegal in most countries and as such, an addiction could have negative consequences, in the form of arrest and jail time. A criminal record with drug-related offenses will also seriously jeopardize employment opportunities later on, so any drug use, whether habitual or occasional, should be considered a concern. Another concern is the risk of a bad trip, as this experience can scar a person for life.

There are no known withdrawal symptoms after stopping DMT; however, prolific use could lead to tolerance to its effects. Any psychological addiction can cause cravings, and a user can go to great lengths to get a repeat trip.

Replacing DMT with unrelated activities and avoiding all opportunities that might lead to use can help to break the habit.

Anyone who feels the need to alter their state of mind by taking drugs like DMT on a regular basis can do so to cope with stressful or traumatic situations. In these cases, it is important to address the underlying issues that are causing the addiction, such as depression, stress or even boredom. It is also important to eliminate any potential contact a recovering person may have with DMT to reduce the risk of relapse. Although DMT is quite rare, it can be helpful to stay away from people who are known to use it. If a consumer is making DMT for their own use, the equipment and ingredients used in its production should be disposed of.

Although the effects of DMT are very extreme, in theory it should be relatively easy to get off. However, it can be difficult to kick an old habit. While overcoming a DMT addiction should not require too much medical intervention, it can be helpful to consult a doctor for advice on how to deal with a psychological craving that may arise.