Urinary discomfort in men can appear with age, and can lead to quite uncomfortable problems. It can manifest itself as blood in the urine, strange colored urine or severe pain when urinating. Medication and muscle exercise can help, but one of the most effective alternatives is a dietary supplement called Urozen. Created by the Biovancia institute precisely to overcome this discomfort of the prostate, Urozen has the particularity of having been created on the basis of purely natural active ingredients. Zoom on its components, on its use and on our opinion after test.
What is Urozen ?
For those who are familiar with food supplements, the Biovancia Institute should not be unknown. Indeed, certified and recognized throughout the French territory, this institute is known as a reference in the field of food supplements. The undeniable quality of its products comes from the combination of natural components and advanced scientific research. Each of its products has been designed to relieve a given ailment, after a few weeks of use.
This is the case of the food supplement Urozen. Presented in the form of capsules, this supplement is aimed at people suffering from urination disorders in order to provide them with better urinary comfort. In other words, this supplement is used for relief purposes, but also for prevention of urinary infections. This product owes its effectiveness to its all-natural active ingredients and effective.
Which are the active ingredients of the product Urozen ?
Biovancia products and supplements are known to be made of carefully selected and natural. Urozen is no exception to the rule; it is composed of organic active ingredients, chosen with care and whose effectiveness is no longer to be proven: lindera aggregata, pumpkin seeds, bird’s-foot weed and vitamin D.
Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds are already involved in male fertility by improving the quality (quantity and agility) of sperm. Moreover, these seeds constitute an excellent laxativebecause they are rich in fiber, which facilitates the digestion process. These seeds are also used to counter intestinal worms thanks to an element called cucurbitine. They help to improve the heart health of the users, because they are composed of phyosterols and omega 3 and 6, which helps to protect the heart and the blood vessels.
The usefulness of pumpkin seeds on the urinary tract is no longer in question. Indeed, these seeds have specific properties or diuretic properties which are useful in the fight against the problems of miction or other dysfunctions of the bladder and the urinary tract.
This plant is so called because it is very attractive to birds. It is very common and has many health benefits, so much so that it is regularly used in phytotherapy. Still called knotweed, panic grass, centinode grass of the innocent saints, pigweed, etc., the knotweed is used in the treatment of certain ailments such as cystitiscystitis, joint joint disordersjoint problems, respiratory respiratory infections, arthritisetc..
It is also used against certain wounds, against diarrhea and even against dysentery and asthma. On the other hand, as regards its presence in the food supplement Urozen, the knotweed of birds is known for its beneficial action on the kidneys. It fights against inflammations occurring at the level of the urinary tract, against various affections of the bladder, and against certain bacteria.
Lindera aggregata
Known and used by the Chinese for hundreds of years, the plant called Lindera aggregata is very useful in the treatment of cholera, asthma, stomach disorders, but also menstrual problems in women. This component has the shape of rounded leaves and allows to cure various evils:
- Menorrhagia ;
- Asthma;
- Digestive diseases;
- Etc.
These leaves are used as an ingredient in Biovancia’s Urozen product because of their notable and positive action on the kidneys and bladder. They are moreover used against urinary leakage in the case of overactive bladders.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 is a vitamin whose presence is of great importance in the body. In fact, it helps maintain the ideal level of phosphorus and calcium, which contributes to good bone healthbut also dental health. In addition, its presence in the body contributes to the preservation of the immune system, as well as to the production of serotonin.
One of the virtues of vitamin D is to work for a better urinary comfort thanks to the limitation of urinary infections and mictions. It is also useful in the maintenance of the state of the perineum and the pelvic muscles, as well as in the functioning of the bladder.
What are the virtues of the Urozen supplement?
The fact is established: Urozen fights against urinary disorders. However, few people know that these disorders can be caused by various factors, including:
- Diabetes;
- Urinary tract infections;
- Certain neuropathies;
- Sexually transmitted infections;
- Poor hygiene;
- Prostatitis;
- Kidney stones;
- Kidney failure;
- Etc.
The Urozen supplement acts effectively in that thanks to its natural compounds, it strengthens the bladder and plays a preventive role in the matter of microbial infection of the urinary tract. This allows it to regulate urinary urgencyand the discharges and the urinary flowwhile strengthening the muscles and the bladder walls. It also allows to relieve the pain which can occur because of these urinary diseases while fighting against the bacteria.
In short, this supplement will help the user to optimize his urinary comfort by reducing the frequency of urination and soothing urinary urges. In addition, you can do some exercises to strengthen the perineum, have a good hygiene or even turn to a re-education of the bladder and the muscles related to it.
What is the dosage to use the Urozen food supplement?
Knowing that a box contains 60 capsulesurozen should be taken over a period of 30 days, at a rate of two capsules per day. This supplement must be taken orally, while respecting the prescribed daily doses.
It is important not to exceed the prescribed number of capsules per day. If you miss a dose during the day, do not consider taking double the dose the next day to make up for the previous day’s dose. Simply take the day’s pills, and from now on, make sure you strictly adhere to the dosage.
As far as storage is concerned, always keep the supplement away from humidity and in a dry place. Obviously, make sure to keep it out of reach of children. This product should not be used in place of a healthy diet. If you have any questions regarding dosage or other concerns about the supplement, you can contact Biovancia’s consultants. Their number is available on the official platform of the institute and they remain available from Monday to Friday, between 9 am and 6 pm, and on Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm.
What are the side effects and contraindications?
According to the consumers of the product Urozen of Biovacia, the supplement has not caused no side effects. However, to be on the safe side, it is advisable to strictly follow the dosage for prevention purposes. Being composed of all natural ingredients, you will get all the benefits as long as you respect the dosage.
On the other hand, certain cases of contra-indications must be noted. First of all, Urozen is reserved for adults. In other words, children or people under the age of 18 are not allowed to use this supplement. Secondly, people with people who are allergic to any of the components, pregnant women and nursing mothers should not use Urozen either. For further precautions and to ensure that this supplement is suitable for you, take the trouble to consult a health care professional before you start using it.
It should also be noted that if you have chronic illnessesif you have chronic conditions, you should consult your doctor to determine if this supplement is right for you. It will not serve as a treatment, but may help relieve your symptoms.
Is this product for treating prostate disorders available in pharmacies?
Urozen is exclusively available on the manufacturer’s official website, just like all other Biovancia products. This specific policy has the primary goal of ensuring the authenticity of the products received by the consumer. In other words, it allows to avoid the circulation of counterfeit products on the market and to ensure that the products received by the customers are not fakes.
To purchase Urozen, visit the official Biovancia website. Then, select the chosen offer and enter the necessary information:
- Name;
- First name ;
- Date of birth ;
- E-mail address
- Phone number ;
- Phone number ;
- Address ;
- Postal Code ;
- City;
- Country of residence.
The next step is to make the payment: the site is fully secured and the payment can be made by direct debit or by card. Also, after purchase, you will receive your parcel by delivery, in a rather fast time of approximately 48 hours.
What is the price of a complete Urozen cure ?
In order to facilitate the Urozen cure, Biovancia makes various offers available to its customers. These offers make the product accessible to everyone, depending on their budget. The supplement is therefore available in three offers: the Discoveryand the Good Deal and this Best Offer.
To begin with, the Discovery Offer is an offer that allows the customer to try the product for thirty days. As you will have understood, this offer is composed of a box of 60 capsules, usable over a month at a rate of two capsules per day. It is available at the price of 69 euros, rather than 99 euros.
Then, the Good Deal offer is composed of three boxes of the supplement, usable over a period of three months. This offer is worth 138 euros instead of 297 euros.
Finally, as far as the last offer is concerned, you can have it at a price of 198 euros instead of 594 euros. This offer allows you to make a cure over a period of six months, with six boxes of the supplement.
Delivery is free and the institute also offers a guarantee “satisfied or refundedthe delivery is free and the institute also offers a “satisfied or reimbursed” guarantee to its customers, in case they do not obtain the targeted results after several months of treatment. Even better, the subscription to purchase the Urozen supplement is without commitment.
What are the opinions on the Urozen supplement?
Consumed by many users, this product is recommended by health professionals for its effectiveness.
The opinions of health experts
Urological specialists have a very positive opinion of this product. In fact, they acknowledge that without having any side effects, this supplement from Biovancia has managed to relieve their patients’ urination disorders. The fact that it is made from natural and therefore non-chemical elements also works in its favor, according to the experts.
Consumers’ opinions
Several consumers admit that after using the Urozen supplement for a while, they had recovered their urinary comfort. Moreover, the reviews left on the review platforms and the product’s website show the satisfaction of the consumers. After a cure of approximately one month, the positive effects were felt by several patients.
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Camille, an editor specializing in nutrition and fitness, guides readers towards a better understanding of their bodies and healthy eating habits.